Safer Space Guidelines for Leikki – Museum of Play

It is important for us at The Museum Leikki for all of our guests to enjoy their visits. To achieve this, our museum follows safer space guidelines. Discrimination of any kind is prohibited at Leikki, and we are continuously working towards making visiting our museum easy for all. We can all work together in order to ensure our museum is an enjoyable and accessible space for everyone. 

Your safety is our responsibility. If you encounter any issues or have worries of any kind, you are welcome to come speak to one of our staff. We will help you to the best of our ability. Leikki will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour at our museum, and we encourage all visitors to keep safer space guidelines in mind outside of the museum too. 

If you see someone behaving inappropriately or otherwise breaking our safer space guidelines, please step in. You can also come get a Leikki employee to help with the situation. We will not tolerate any sort of discrimination and we will deal with the situation immediately. 

You can help us develop our implementation of safer space guidelines by leaving feedback during your visit, or by contacting You can also leave anonymous feedback by filling out this form.

The safer space guidelines of Leikki – The Museum of Play: