Ponies’ Christmas party

In autumn, the museum Leikki opened a new mini exhibition, Pony Friendship is Forever!, which is a tribute to 40 years of the cute My Little Pony toy series!

The Ponies’ birthday party was in October and next up is the delightful Ponies’ Christmas party on 19 November 2022, 10–17!

10:30—13 MY LITTLE LEIKKI CHRISTMAS DECORATION WORKSHOP: Pony Tree is Built! Children can make cute pony Christmas decorations in the workshop.

14–16:30 BUTTERSCOTCH’S CHRISTMAS TREAT WORKSHOP: Pots full of candy! Come and make a sweet pony treat in the workshop.

12 and 15 o’clock RARITY’S TATTOO PARLOUR: Who is the cutest of them all? Get a cute pony tattoo at Rarity’s parlour.

11 and 14 o’clock TWILIGHT SPARKLE’S CHRISTMAS QUIZ: Luck or skill! Test your pony knowledge in Twilight Sparkle’s exciting quiz.

13 and 16 o’clock RAINBOW DASH’S STEEPLECHASE: On your marks, get set, go! Try the thrills of riding and joys of jumping in Rainbow Dash’s steeplechase.

10-17 APPLEJACK’S PONY ORIENTEERING: My Little Ponies have escaped to play hide & seek in the museum Leikki’s exhibition. Can you find the
hidden ponies?

10 -17 PINKIE PIE’S CANDY KIOSK: Sweet as pie! You can buy mouth-watering treats at Pinkie Pie’s candy kiosk during the Christmas party day.

Pony-like dress allowed!

The programme is included in the price of the admission ticket and no separate pre-registration is needed.

Come and join in the fun!